Denver CO Lawyers
How to Pass a Breathalyzer Test

How to Pass a Breathalyzer Test

How to Pass a Breathalyzer Test

Most people don’t think about how to pass a breathalyzer test until they get pulled over. Even then, any BAC-lowering techniques they know — like exercising or eating a heavy meal — aren’t exactly easy to do with a police officer at the window. However, there’s no need to learn breathalyzer-beating techniques. These strategies don’t work, and in some cases, they might even make the police officer think you’re more drunk than you are.



The only foolproof way to pass a breathalyzer test is to not drive with any alcohol in your system.

Tricks People Try and Why They Don’t Work

Getting pulled over or stopped at a sobriety checkpoint can be nerve-racking, and that makes drivers try some strange things to avoid failing a breathalyzer test. These are some strategies that you might have heard can help you pass a breathalyzer:

  • Eating a breath mint
  • Using mouthwash
  • Drinking coffee
  • Sucking on a penny or piece of copper
  • Eating toilet paper.

Many of these techniques are designed to mask the smell of alcohol on your breath. However, a breathalyzer doesn’t smell your breath for alcohol. When you drink alcohol, some of it gets into your blood. When your blood flows to your lungs, aerosolized alcohol molecules enter your lungs, and you then breathe them out. A breathalyzer device is designed to sense these molecules when you exhale, and it will still detect them if you drink coffee, eat a breath mint, etc.

Notably, some techniques people recommend can actually make your breathalyzer reading even higher. Breathalyzers can pick up “mouth alcohol,” which refers to the alcohol that remains after you take a sip. That’s why your BAC may be artificially high if you take a breathalyzer test right after drinking. And if the mouthwash you use contains alcohol, the breathalyzer will detect the alcohol remaining in your mouth as well as the alcohol you exhale.

Some people try hyperventilating before the breathalyzer, but that’s a bad idea, too. Hyperventilating makes you dizzy. If you’re dizzy enough, you may look more intoxicated than you actually are, and that only hurts your case.

What You Should Do Instead

When in Doubt, Don’t Drive!

You may have seen charts that estimate your BAC based on the number of drinks you’ve had, your body weight, and the time elapsed. These might be able to give you a ballpark estimate of your BAC, but so many factors impact alcohol absorption that the charts have a very wide margin of error. You also should not determine whether you can safely drive based on how you feel. If you have a high alcohol tolerance, you might feel completely sober when your BAC is well above the legal limit.

Ultimately, the best choice is to not drive after drinking. You might be tempted to drive because you want to avoid the cost and hassle of booking a rideshare service to pick you up. However, a DUI is much more expensive (and a much greater hassle) than finding an alternative way home.

After a DUI arrest, getting the right representation is critical. Call Kevin’s office at 720-445-9887 or reach out through the online contact form.

Have You Been Arrested for DUI?

It’s Not Too Late for a Strong Defense

If you’ve already been arrested and charged with DUI, learning how to pass a breathalyzer test isn’t going to do you any good. However, it’s not too late to give up hope. If you’re in police custody, you should ask to speak with a DUI lawyer immediately. When police ask you questions, they’re looking for evidence to use against you in court. The less evidence you give them, the better.

Securing an experienced criminal defense attorney is essential for anyone charged with DUI. A DUI conviction has far-reaching consequences, and this isn’t a charge you should try to talk your way out of. It’s also not a charge where you should take your chances with a public defender. Many public defenders are tasked with large caseloads, and they often lack the experience to build the strongest possible defense for you. When you choose an experienced Denver DUI lawyer, you’re making an investment in yourself and your future. The Law Office of Kevin Cahill has a long track record of positive results, and Kevin’s extensive understanding of Colorado DUI laws enables him to craft personalized defenses for each of his clients.

If you’ve been charged with DUI, don’t wait to secure a defense attorney. Get in touch with Kevin’s office at 720-445-9887 or by filling out the online contact form.

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