Category: Marijuana

Category: Marijuana

Medical Marijuana in Colorado

Many people wonder if medical marijuana is still relevant since the state of Colorado allows recreational use of the drug. Although the state's lawful two-ounce limit pertains to medical and non-medical users, many Colorado residents still apply for a medical marijuana card. This is because it is possible for cardholders to legally be able to carry more than two ounces on their person when it is proven that marijuana is medically necessary. This highlights the import[ ... ]

Medical Marijuana, Drug Testing, And Workers Comp

Most workplaces in the United States are drug and alcohol-free. Employers typically implement strict zero-tolerance policies and require future employees to submit to alcohol and drug tests upon being hired. Some even require a random drug test during their terms of employment. Marijuana While at Work The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment receives about 400 medical marijuana card applications per day. In most cases, even if you ha[ ... ]

Is Delta-8 Legal In Colorado?

Delta-8 is a form of THC that has a psychoactive compound that's very similar to delta-9 THC, which is the compound in the cannabis plant that creates a "high." Even though delta-8 and delta-9 are identical, they have slightly different chemical structures that make delta-8 significantly less potent. They do, however, have some of the same effects on the body, some of which include: Rapid heart rate Dry mouth Red eyes[ ... ]

Can I Fly In The U.S With Marijuana On My Person?

In 2012 state legislation was passed that allowed recreational marijuana usage to be introduced in Colorado, which has led to numerous economic and legal benefits for many in the general public. While within state borders, you are within your rights to use marijuana recreationally, things can get a little murky when boarding planes or if you're considering using mariju[ ... ]

Edible Marijuana Etiquette

Now that marijuana is legal in many states, it is much easier to find edibles like drinks, candies, and brownies. Most people prefer edibles to smoking cannabis, so many recreational stores sell drinks and food as well as joints. If you are new to edibles, make sure to use the proper etiquette. There is no puff-puff-pass rule with edibles, but there are a few niceties you should remember. Guide to Eating Edibles In gene[ ... ]

Always Fight Marijuana-Related DUIs

In 2012 Colorado became one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana, but legalization came with several stipulations. For example, you can’t smoke in public, you can’t carry around a bunch of weed, and you can’t drive while high. In fact, each of these actions can result in criminal charges despite marijuana’s legalization. However, in this blog post we will talk about three reasons why you should always fight marijuana relat[ ... ]

Traveling with Weed? Your State Plates Could Get You Stopped

The tide against marijuana criminalization has begun a more rapid turn — in fact, only 21 states (primarily those in the Southeast and Midwest) have not yet enacted or attempted to enact laws to legalize medical or recreational marijuana. However, those who travel in these regions with license plates or other identification from a marijuana-friendlier state may find themselves subjected to stricter police scrutiny than locals simply due to the difference in state l[ ... ]

Colorado Cannabis and Underage Laws: What Minors Should Know

Medical and recreational marijuana have been legal for some time in the state of Colorado, and yet possession charges remain quite common. Now, however, those charged with possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia are more often than not under the age of 21, for, just as minors cannot legally purchase alcohol, they cannot legally purchase or use retail marijuana. CONTACT US![ ... ]

Denver Crime Rates After Pot Legalization: The Truth

Since Colorado legalized marijuana for recreational use in 2012, there has been a great deal of discussion as to whether or not this has increased crime rates. It is important to note that prior to legalization, only slightly more than one percent of all crimes could be tied back to marijuana, which means it was already relatively low. Police on all levels have indicated that DUI arrests were not always sorted by alcohol and marijuana, so some of those statistics may[ ... ]

Marijuana Users Can Still Get a DUI Even When Driving Sober

Though legalization in our state is approaching its second anniversary, a new problem is emerging for both law enforcement and users alike—no one is sure how to address the issue of people who drive while high on marijuana. Colorado’s laws and official position on the matter haven’t changed since pre-legalization days. To police and prosecutors, a stoned driver is just as dangerous as a drunk driver. The Colorado Department of Transportation has outline[ ... ]

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