Category: Uncategorized

Category: Uncategorized

4th DUI Offense Now A Felony In Colorado

In June 2015, Governor John Hickenlooper of Colorado signed a bill to create a felony charge for a fourth drunk driving offense. Prior to this bill getting passed, it was possible to get an unlimited number of DUI convictions in Colorado without more than just incurring a brief stint in jail. Under this new law, a fourth drunk driving conviction would be subject to a felony and punishable up to six years in the pokey and with a penalty of up to a $500,000 fine. DUI[ ... ]

Is Colorado Weed Legal Here? Traveling with Marijuana Across State Lines Explained

Imagine this. You live just barely on the Kansas side of the Kansas-Colorado border and you’re craving some edibles, so you decide to head across the state border where they’re legal. You go to a licensed dispensary and pay for your product, then decided to back home before eating because you don’t want to drive under the influence. Everything is going great until you get back into Kansas and a cop suddenly flashes his lights behind you. What’s going[ ... ]

Colorado Launches Campaign to Fight Prescription Drug Abuse

“Take Meds Seriously.” It might sound like the title of an informational pamphlet you’d see at your doctor’s office, but in reality that is the name of the new campaign launched by Gov. John Hickenlooper to address our state’s frightening rise in prescription drug abuse – especially among the state’s teenagers. The campaign is part of a larger and stricter push against recreational use of prescripti[ ... ]

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