Category: Uncategorized

Category: Uncategorized

What Drugs Are Illegal in Colorado?

Although Colorado famously became one of the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana, possession and recreational use of several other drugs remain illegal in the Centennial State. It also remains illegal to participate in some marijuana-related activities, such as driving under the influence and providing it to anyone under the age of 21.[ ... ]

Always Fight Marijuana-Related DUIs

In 2012 Colorado became one of the first states to legalize recreational marijuana, but legalization came with several stipulations. For example, you can’t smoke in public, you can’t carry around a bunch of weed, and you can’t drive while high. In fact, each of these actions can result in criminal charges despite marijuana’s legalization. However, in this blog post we will talk about three reasons why you should always fight marijuana relat[ ... ]

Laws Police Must Follow at Denver DUI Checkpoints

It’s New Year’s Eve, and you just finished a five-club bar crawl. As you’re the designated driver for the night, you help everyone put on their seat belts and head towards home. Unfortunately, you turn a corner to find a DUI checkpoint up ahead. You know you’ll pass all the tests, but you’re frustrated about the inconvenience. At this point, it's crucial to know the[ ... ]

What Happens: Friend Has Drugs in Your Car

You’re driving down the road, and your best friend is riding shotgun. After driving for a while, your friend pulls out a blunt and lights up. You aren’t sure about the legality of smoking while in a moving vehicle, but you don’t want to be a buzzkill. Unfortunately, 10 minutes later you drive right past a cop who sees your friend smoking. You get pulled over, but what happens next? Will your friend get in trouble even though he wasn’t driving? Will you get in[ ... ]

The Wide Range of Sentences for Repeat Drunk Drivers

According to a recent review of DUI sentencing data conducted by the Denver Post, judges in Colorado have been issuing widely divergent sentences for repeat drunk drivers under the state’s recently-passed felony DUI statute. The Denver Post found that while some convicted under the law received long prison sentences, approximately one in 12 convicted received no jail time at all. When the state legislature passed the felony [ ... ]

Traveling with Weed? Your State Plates Could Get You Stopped

The tide against marijuana criminalization has begun a more rapid turn — in fact, only 21 states (primarily those in the Southeast and Midwest) have not yet enacted or attempted to enact laws to legalize medical or recreational marijuana. However, those who travel in these regions with license plates or other identification from a marijuana-friendlier state may find themselves subjected to stricter police scrutiny than locals simply due to the difference in state l[ ... ]

Changes to Drug Laws That Defendants Should Be Aware Of

Even though Colorado has legalized marijuana, awareness of emerging drug abuse trends remains crucial, as it is still possible to face various drug charges under the law. Fortunately for many defendants, changes to the law in June of 2013 mean more defendants than ever will be given a second chance. The basic premise behind the changes to the law is to allow those who are arre[ ... ]

Colorado Cannabis and Underage Laws: What Minors Should Know

Medical and recreational marijuana have been legal for some time in the state of Colorado, and yet possession charges remain quite common. Now, however, those charged with possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia are more often than not under the age of 21, for, just as minors cannot legally purchase alcohol, they cannot legally purchase or use retail marijuana. CONTACT US![ ... ]

Always Seek Representation When Being Questioned by the Police

Most of us have been taught that when a police officer tells us to do something, we need to cooperate and do as we are told. Under the best of circumstances, the things a police officer will tell us to do include moving when instructed, stopping when instructed, Showing our hands, etc. Sometimes, an officer will tell us to do something that is NOT in our best interest. When in doubt about whether or not the police want to interview you, especially when you may be a s[ ... ]

Why Antonin Scalia’s Passing is Bad News for Criminal Defendants

Though Antonin Scalia was known for his conservative viewpoints, he displayed irreverence for right wing convention with his opinions on criminal defense. Criminal defense attorneys and defendants far and wide have benefited from Scalia’s unrelenting loyalty to constitutional principles. Let’s take a look at why Scalia’s passing is bad news for criminal defendants. Scalia’s Interpretation of the Constitution Scalia was famous for his incredi[ ... ]

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