Category: DUI

Category: DUI

Laws Police Must Follow at Denver DUI Checkpoints

It’s New Year’s Eve, and you just finished a five-club bar crawl. As you’re the designated driver for the night, you help everyone put on their seat belts and head towards home. Unfortunately, you turn a corner to find a DUI checkpoint up ahead. You know you’ll pass all the tests, but you’re frustrated about the inconvenience. At this point, it's crucial to know the[ ... ]

What Happens: Underage DUI Convictions

One night, one night is all it takes for someone to go from a perfectly clean record to a DUI charge. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the charge, prosecutors take DUIs seriously, and they typically call for severe consequences. So what repercussions does a juvenile face when a judge convicts him or her of an underage DUI charge? Consequences of an Underage DUI Conviction Colorado, like most states, has a “zero tolerance” policy when[ ... ]

Differences Between Alcohol DUIs and Drug DUIDs in Colorado

  • September 18, 2018
  • DUI

People have been charged for alcohol-induced DUIs for years, but as recreational marijuana has been legalized, more and more users are getting charged with marijuana-induced DUIs. While both charges are labeled as “driving under the influence,” they do have some fundamental differences. Penalties You may be surprised to learn that the penalties for a DUI and a DUID (driving under the influence of drugs) are the same. A DUID in Colorado is consid[ ... ]

What Does Police Accountability Look Like in a DUI Arrest?

  • August 20, 2018
  • DUI

We are often lead to believe that a DUI arrest is a fairly straightforward procedure: a police officer stops someone from driving, asks them to step out of the vehicle, runs some tests, then arrests the person. However, police officers are accountable to numerous arresting procedures during a DUI stop. Therefore, the general public should be able to identify the following actions police are accountable for. Reasonable Suspicion Police officers must[ ... ]

Investigating the Myth that People Drive Better Drunk

“I feel more relaxed, which makes me a better driver because I’m typically a hot-head.” This is one of the many reasons people come up with to explain why they think they drive better while they’re drunk. While some of these statements may sound reasonable, the question remains, can some people drive better while intoxicated? Driving While Drunk The short answer is no, driving while drunk never makes someone a better driver. In fa[ ... ]

Can Passengers Be Charged when a Driver Is Pulled Over for DUI?

  • June 19, 2018
  • DUI

When a driver drinks too much and is pulled over by the police, he or she may face a charge for DUI. Although the driver may face DUI charges, the question remains as to whether the passengers in a DUI situation can be held accountable as well. Underage Drinking In situations where a driver is pulled over for a DUI, and the passengers are underage and drunk, the passengers can be charged with underage drinking. In accordance with[ ... ]

Why DUI Representation Is a Necessary Good

  • June 7, 2018
  • DUI

The American criminal justice system plays a crucial role in maintaining the order and civility of the United States. Thanks to legislators and other government entities, driving while under the influence is an unlawful act in all 50 states. This is undoubtedly a good thing, as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration determined that 10,497 peop[ ... ]

What Are the Penalties for a DUI in Denver?

The penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) can be very serious, especially under certain circumstances. If you are currently facing DUI charges for driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, make sure you know what you are up against and what you can do to defend your rights. Below, we explain the potential penalties for DUI convictions and how our attorney can help. Anyone over the age of 21 found driving with a blood alcohol content of[ ... ]

New Colorado Law Requires Jail Time for Felony DUI Sentences

  • November 8, 2017
  • DUI

Colorado is now using a sentencing system for felony driving under the influence (DUI) convictions that require the defendant to spend a minimum amount of time in prison. Probations do not override this mandatory incarceration, either. The law was implemented after it was discovered that DUI felony convictions in the state had sentences that varied no[ ... ]

Everything You Need to Know About Colorado DUIs

  • November 23, 2015
  • DUI

Though more prevalent in some age groups, drunk driving occurs across all demographics. Rich and poor people, young and old, members of every ethnic group are regularly arrested and prosecuted for DUIs. The ubiquity of drunk driving, however, should not lead you to consider a DUI a minor offense. On the contrary, the state of Colorado prosecutes DUIs harshly. A conviction for a DUI offense can have a dramatic effect on your freedom, future career prospects,[ ... ]

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