Category: Drug Crimes

Category: Drug Crimes

Emerging Drug Abuse Trends in Colorado

Colorado is internationally renowned for being one of the first states in the US to legalize the recreational possession and sale of marijuana. Today, marijuana reportedly continues to enjoy the status of Colorado’s most commonly used drug. However, recent research indicates that several other, arguably more dangerous (and certainly more criminal) drugs are becoming increasingly prevalent in our state. According[ ... ]

How Painkiller Abuse Fuels Heroin Addiction in Colorado

Ask someone who they think of when picturing a heroin addict, and they’re likely to describe a tattoo-painted teenage rebel rouser or a wizened former 60s rocker. But a recent study released by the Journal of the American Medical Association reveals a very different kind of drug addict. According to the study, today’s heroin addict is just as likely to be a white, affluent suburbanite who began using at the age of 23. Within the[ ... ]

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