Denver Internet Crimes Lawyer

Denver Internet
Crimes Lawyer

Internet crimes, also called cybercrimes, involve the use of computers, electronic devices, and/or computer networks. Because more and more people go online to conduct transactions, there has been an increase in such offenses. Generally, individuals or groups that commit internet crimes use various tactics to hide their identities and make tracking them difficult, making these very complex matters. Contact Us

Aggressive Defense for Cyber Offenses

State and federal law enforcement agencies have set up their own cybercrime units to investigate, identify, and prosecute alleged offenders. Still, even with their resources, just because a law enforcement agency suspects someone of an offense does not mean that person is the actual culprit. They may have unwittingly gotten caught up in a scheme or not realized that they had downloaded unlawful information.

Because internet crimes are so complicated, if you’ve been accused, speak with an experienced Denver internet crime lawyer as soon as possible. Getting informed about white collar internet crimes can also be important for understanding the context and implications of your case. Fighting your charge, especially when it involves complex issues like defending white collar crime charges, requires quick action and thorough preparation. At the Law Office of Kevin Cahill, Attorney Kevin Cahill has the knowledge and skills to aggressively defend you. He will fully analyze your case and employ appropriate resources to build a compelling defense. A hardworking and dedicated lawyer, Kevin Cahill can pursue a favorable outcome on your behalf.

Schedule a free initial consultation by calling (720) 445-9887 or submitting an online contact form today.

Defending Against a Wide Range of Internet Crime Charges

Because people can do just about anything online – whether lawful or unlawful conduct – there are numerous types of cybercrime offenses a person can be charged with.

A specific section of the Colorado Revised Statutes (CRS 18-5.5-102) is concerned with cybercrimes.

It provides that a person commits an offense when they:

  • Unlawfully access a computer or computer network or system
  • Access a computer or computer network or system without authorization to:
    • Carry out a fraud scheme
    • Obtain something of value, such as money, property, or services
    • Commit theft
  • Damage, destroy, or interrupt a computer or computer network or system
  • Install unauthorized software on a computer or computer network or system to damage, destroy, or interrupt processes
  • Install software that can interrupt ticket sales
  • Solicit a minor to engage in prostitution
  • Use a skimming device to unlawfully obtain credit or debit card information
  • Encode an altered card with stolen credit or debit card data

The conduct listed above specifically pertains to offenses committed under Colorado’s cybercrime law, but it’s not the only type of behavior that can be pursued as an internet offense.

Other ways charges may arise include violations of:

Kevin Cahill, a seasoned internet crime lawyer in Denver, can provide the legal representation you need to challenge whatever accusation you are facing.

Penalties for an Internet Crime Conviction

The exact sanctions a court can impose for a cybercrime conviction vary greatly depending on the nature of the alleged offense. Some internet crimes are charged as felonies, they will be charged with a class 1 misdemeanor. Seeking guidance from a misdemeanor defense lawyer in Denver can provide essential support and legal expertise in navigating such charges.

A few examples of conviction penalties in Colorado include:

  • Cybercrime when the monetary damage is $300 or more but less than $750 (class 2 misdemeanor):
    • Up to 364 days in jail
    • Up to $1,000 in fines
  • Posting a private image online (class 1 misdemeanor):
    • Up to 18 months in jail
    • Up to $5,000 in fines
  • Identity theft (class 4 felony):
    • Up to 6 years in prison
    • Up to $500,000 in fines
  • Credit card fraud when the value is $2,000 or more but less than $5,000 (class 6 felony):
    • Up to 18 months in prison
    • Up to $100,000 in fines

Defending Your Reputation and Future

Internet crime lawyer Kevin Cahill understands just how complex Internet crimes are. He is committed to thoroughly investigating the charge against you, examining all evidence, and putting together an effective defense strategy.

Get skilled representation from a Denver internet crime lawyer by calling the Law Office of Kevin Cahill at (720) 445-9887 or filling out an online contact form.

Denver CO Defense Lawyer Kevin Cahill


Denver Defense Lawyer Kevin Cahill never assumes that your case is a lost cause. He is a confident and fearless litigator who refuses to back down when he is fighting to protect the rights of his clients. Regardless of whether you are facing a felony or a misdemeanor, it is vital that you take the charges seriously and seek out legal representation as soon as possible so you can start building your defense. [ ATTORNEY BIO ]

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