There is no single sector of the insurance market that is free from fraud or the potential for fraud. Additionally, companies who sell insurance, insurance consumers and those who benefit from insurance claims can potentially be under investigation for fraud or may have committed fraud.
It is important to understand that there are two common classifications of insurance fraud: one known as soft fraud and one known as hard fraud.
These classifications are further defined as:
Contact the Law Office of Kevin Cahill for skilled representation and guidance. Call (720) 445-9887 today.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on average, a consumer could be spending as much as $700 annually to cover the cost of fraudulent insurance activity.
This does not take into consideration any health-care related insurance fraud which was estimated to be $3 trillion in 2014.
Any charges of insurance fraud are pursued aggressively; while the investigation may be lengthy, officials will not stop investigating until they are certain they have the basis for filing charges of they have completely proven there was no wrongdoing.
Under the laws of Colorado, specifically C.R.S. 18-5-211, charges of insurance fraud will be considered a Class 5 felony. Under Colorado sentencing laws, a Class 5 felony is subject to up to five years in prison as well as fines of up to $100,000. Under federal laws, any conviction of a federal case of insurance fraud is subject to jail time of up to five years as well as associated fines.
You may have been approached by an insurance investigator asking you questions about a medical insurance claim, a worker’s compensation claim or a homeowner’s insurance claim. Typically, this may not raise any “red flags” particularly if you believe you have done nothing improper. However, if this is the case, you may wish to consult with a Denver insurance fraud lawyer right away before you answer too many questions.
The adjuster may be conducting an investigation with the sole intent of eventually filing insurance fraud charges against you. The sooner you contact an insurance fraud lawyer, the sooner they can find out what the problems are and help address them. Oftentimes, an attorney can help stop an investigation or ensure there is no indictment.
Sometimes when a person finds out they are being investigated for a “white collar” crime, they believe since they have done nothing wrong, they do not need legal help. However, it’s important to remember you have certain rights while under investigation, especially for common white collar crimes. Typically, since you are uncertain of those rights, you could be providing information that is unnecessarily incriminating yourself. Contact the Denver insurance fraud lawyer at The Law Offices of Kevin Cahill today!
If you suspect you are under investigation or facing imminent charges, call an experienced Denver insurance fraud lawyer at (720) 445-9887 today!
Denver Defense Lawyer Kevin Cahill never assumes that your case is a lost cause. He is a confident and fearless litigator who refuses to back down when he is fighting to protect the rights of his clients. Regardless of whether you are facing a felony or a misdemeanor, it is vital that you take the charges seriously and seek out legal representation as soon as possible so you can start building your defense. [ ATTORNEY BIO ]